The address of the University is Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel (in Dutch) or Avenue de la Plaine 2, 1050 Bruxelles (in French), and it’s located a bit outside of the city center in the student neighborhood of Elsene/Ixelles.

Participants can book accommodation on their own, either in the vicinity of the university, or in the city center. Look for hotel offers on or a similar website. VUB has discount deals for several hotels:

  • Near the campus (on the Delta Hospital site) is the Adagio Access Brussels Delta Aparthotel. They offer two- and four-person studio rooms, and if you book through, mention that you want to get the VUB corporate rate, and you’ll receive a 10% discount on the regular price.
  • There is also the Thon Hotel Brussels City Center (****), in the North of the city center, and the Thon Hotel EU (****), in the European quarter, where you can book rooms with a 15% corporate discount through this link, by entering the discount code TH8897. From the city center hotel, it takes about 40 minutes to get to VUB by metro, and about 30 minutes by metro or bus from the EU hotel. 
  • We also offer discounted rates for a range of other Accord Group hotels. You can find an overview following this link. You will need to enter the following information to get a discount up to 12%: Business Client Code: SC283436491 | Acces Code: VR834BE897.

However, you can often find many good hotel deals online, especially from Friday night onwards. Particularly in the European quarter, you can find many good hotels offering discounted rates on the weekends, as they mostly cater to business travellers visiting during weekdays.