. We would like to thank Prof. Laura Wright from the University of Cambridge for her inspiring guest lecture last Friday, Nov. 22 on lexical sociolinguistics, communities of spatial practice and enregisterment!
New publication “From ‘dankgevingsdag’ to ’turkey party’” by Yasmin Crombez
Yasmin Crombez recently published her paper entitled “From ‘dankgevingsdag’ to ’turkey party’: Historical Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Loan Strategies in Flemish-American Heritage Newspapers” in Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies, where she explores borrowing patterns in Flemish-American newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries. You can find the full paper here!
Julie Van Ongeval: Best Paper Presentation Award
Julie Van Ongeval (VUB & FWO) was honored with the 2024 Best Paper Presentation Award by the Linguistic Society of Belgium for her paper entitled “Dialect contact in Early Modern Antwerp: Exploring the impact of the socially disruptive Fall of Antwerp (1585)”. Congratulations, Julie!
Guest lecture by Dr. Morana Lukač (Universiteit Groningen): “Non-binary pronouns in Dutch: Prescriptivism and its influence on language change”
Dr. Morana Lukač will be giving a guest lecture on non-binary pronouns in Dutch and the influence of prescriptivism on language change. The lecture will take place on Friday 7 March 2025 at 16h in room C.5.03 on the VUB campus. Registration is not required; everyone is welcome!
Guest lecture by Eline Lismont (FWO & VUB): “The relationship between codified norms and usage in Early and Late Modern Dutch”
As part of the master’s course on historical sociolinguistics, Eline Lismont will give a guest lecture on the relationship between codified norms and usage in Early and Late Modern Dutch. The lecture will take place on Friday 29 November 2024 from 11 a.m. to 13 p.m. in room D.3.13 on the VUB campus. Registration is …
Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Laura Wright (University of Cambridge): “Opium, ‘yellow peril’ and the London docks: on lexical sociolinguistics, communities of spatial practice and enregisterment”
As part of the master’s course on historical sociolinguistics, we are welcoming Prof. Dr. Laura Wright from the University of Cambridge to give a guest lecture on lexical sociolinguistics, communities of spatial practice and enregisterment. The lecture will take place on Friday 22 November 2024 from 11 a.m. to 13 p.m. in room D.3.13 on …
Het Parool over meertaligheid in Brussel
Is Brussel toe aan een derde taal? Het Engels bekleedt in het nu al tweetalige Brussel een steeds grotere positie, net als in Amsterdam. Verdient het Engels een plek als derde officiële taal van de snel internationaliserende Europese hoofdstad? De weerstand is aanzienlijk. ‘De maatschappelijke revolutie heeft al plaatsgevonden.’ Interview met Brussels minister Sven Gatz …
Taalverhalen van over de oceaan: Vlamingen in Amerika
Leontine Ik zend u een zichtje van de stad welke ik bewoon en ik durf ver- hopen dat het u aange- naam zal zijn. Indien ge liefhebber van postkaarten zijt zal ik er nog zenden want hier zijn toch zulke schoone, de streek is hier allerprachtigst. Mijne gezond- heid is God dank zeer goed en …
HiSoN-2023 Call for papers open!
Call for papers open now! ——— see the HiSoN 2023 conference page here ———
PhD defense Jingxuan Guo
On December 1st, CSC researcher Jingxuan Guo successfully defended her PhD entitled: The representation of terrorism in Chinese media: Researching frames and news values through computer-assisted and comparative approaches Supervisors: Prof. dr. Jelle Mast (VUB) & Prof. dr. Rik Vosters (VUB) Congratulations, Dr. Guo!