Announcements PhD defense Magda Serwadczak On January 17 at 1pm, Magda Serwadczak will defend her joint PhD (VUB-Antwerp) entitled: Actual Words Were Not Included: Orality, Literacy, VACATURE – digitale tekstanalyse VACATURE – Brussels Digital Text Lab (B-TXT) Coördinator en ontwikkelaar digitale tekstanalyse Het Brussels Digital Text Lab (B-TXT) Prof. Dr. Laura Wright’s Guest Lecture . We would like to thank Prof. Laura Wright from the University of Cambridge for her inspiring guest New publication “From ‘dankgevingsdag’ to ’turkey party’” by Yasmin Crombez Yasmin Crombez recently published her paper entitled “From ‘dankgevingsdag’ to ’turkey party’: Historical Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Loan Strategies in Julie Van Ongeval: Best Paper Presentation Award Julie Van Ongeval (VUB & FWO) was honored with the 2024 Best Paper Presentation Award by the Linguistic Society of Guest lecture by Dr. Morana Lukač (Universiteit Groningen): “Non-binary pronouns in Dutch: Prescriptivism and its influence on language change” Dr. Morana Lukač will be giving a guest lecture on non-binary pronouns in Dutch and the influence of prescriptivism on